As we have a need to respond to our natural sexual urges, we also have a need to express them properly. If not expressed at all, those urges will become repressed and make us emotionally sick or cause us to display schizophrenic symptoms. As primitive as it might be, like the primitive instinct of an animal, sex should not be regarded as a primitive act. Animals only possess sexual drives approximately every six months at a time unlike human beings. We have the luxury and the privilege to experience our sexual drives at any given time as the body responds to it. It is definitely not only for the purpose of procreation as in the case for animals, but also for the purpose of divinity.
Sex in itself, is an experience on many levels with different meanings. The highest form of sexual experience is the most divine, blissful, sacred, and spiritual. The only prerequisite in this supreme encounter is to have an open heart and an open mind. The beauty in this type of encounter is such an innocent, pure, and genuine experience that no closed heart and mind is able to penetrate through. This spiritual encounter allows two individuals with separate physical bodies to unite into one through the connection of their souls.
Whenever the masculine and the feminine principles of energy, just like protons and electrons, which govern all existence are in union, a state of primordial bliss arises from which the entire universe was created. At this moment of peak experience, couples are able to plunge into a total consciousness with no sense of thought or time, only the divine feeling of immersion into the cosmic consciousness. It is more than the feeling of orgasm; it is the feeling of divinity. It is not about reaching orgasmic stage; it is about reaching a spiritual union through the exchange of body synergy. It is not about the act of motion and stimulation; it is about the act of true love and compassion.
Our sexual energy is the origin of our life force, and every bit of it is a part of us which not only rejuvenates our total well-being but also provides us a valuable means to connect with another in a very powerful way. This is why when lovers connect on a deep and sacred level, they are nearly inseparable even when they are physically apart. Through the exchange of their divine energy they weave their entire bodies inside and out which produces a sense of unity and togetherness that is intuitive and telepathic in nature.
It is time that we honor our sexuality in its divine nature as an expression of true love and not child-like play. Sexual intimacy between two people is never meant to express this divinity with many others simultaneously, with people whom we do not care about or love, and in places filled with people we do not know. Unlike animals, which engage in sexual encounters rather forcefully and hastily without substance, human beings can experience a more supreme and spiritual encounter.
Sex is definitely not designed to be enslaved to our instinctual demands and is much more precious than to be used only to satisfy our bodily desires. Consequently, the essence of respecting the body is not to exploit, abuse, nor mistreat it, but to utilize it to connect with people we love and care about in further strengthening our emotional bonds with each other.
Excerpt from: Sex and Aggression, The Naked Truth About Relationships, and True Leaders, Part II
Copy Right 2007, ISBN: 1-4208-6971-X(sc), Library of Congress Control Number: 2005906194
No part of the book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
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