There is no doubt that the ego-personality can be so unpredictable that it becomes impossible for the self- and the soul-states to constrain it. The ego can become our soul’s greatest enemy if not tamed properly. With assistance from the Id-personality, the ego-personality can become indispensable and commit senseless crimes that are gruesome, relentless, and inhuman. As a result, the criminal often shows no remorse for what he/she has done to the victims. The Id-personality is a personality that possesses an almighty character that is very much like the evil twin of the ego-personality. However bad the ego-personality is, just imagine its possessing a double amount of badness which becomes the evil within us. The Id-personality is a direct split from the ego-personality which often is produced by a great deal of trauma and distress encountered in childhood when the child suppresses those memories in the unconscious mind, which results in the Id-personality.
Our failure to deal effectively with the trauma we have experienced or witnessed by seeking proper counseling to begin the healing process allows the ego-personality to take over in deciding what we should do about our unwanted memories. It would most likely find the easiest way out by suppressing the memories in our unconscious minds as a way of escaping from facing them directly. This is the only way the ego-personality knows to cope with a traumatic experience, which is to suppress it as deep-seated as possible so that we would never have to see it again. Unfortunately, the ego-personality is not mature enough to realize that anything we fail to face directly right now will always come back to haunt us in a very unpleasant fashion, something we do not want.
If we really want to put any traumatic memory away and never have to face it again, we have to start to face it directly now and to understand its meaning as much as we can. This way we can learn whatever we have to learn and dump whatever we do not want in the garbage can. Otherwise our Id-personality will take whatever the ego-personality attempts to throw out and use it against the self- and soul-personalities and constrain the ego-personality, if we do not cooperate with the Id-personality’s demands. (3:8)
Excerpt from: What is Your Ego and True Leaders Part I, Personal Guide
Copy Right 2007, ISBN: 1-4208-6971-X(sc), Library of Congress Control Number: 2005906194
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