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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nudity Should Not Be a Public Object

Nudity or partial nudity has become one of the major themes that the media use to further attract the audience’s attention, especially the male audience. This is particularly true in the movies, plays, commercials, advertisements, and magazines. Certain people might find viewing nudity or partial nudity amusing and pleasurable to look at. Some people might view it as a form of art to display nudity on stage or even on the street for artistic purposes, which can be very attractive and arousing. This is why producers tend to show nudity in a very sensual, lustful, and provocative way for the purpose of arousing the audience and not for the purpose of telling a good story.

However, the majority of us, from our soul perspectives, tend to find nudity and partial nudity to be very disturbing to the eyes, the emotions, the minds, and the spirits. This is because nudity and partial nudity are not supposed to be public objects to be seen by people we do not know. Instead, the physical body (especially our private parts) is considered our most valuable and sacred possession and should not be used in any way as an enjoyment for untamed eyes, physical fantasies or egotistic desires.

The very act of discussing, making fun of or displaying nudity and partial nudity as the primary focus to entice or disturb the audience as a way of entertainment is behavior that is degrading and disgracing to those people’s private possessions. On the other hand, those who allow themselves to become the topic of others’ discussion and enjoyment of their sexuality and nudity are not being responsible for their total well-being. This stems directly from the ego quality of wanting to be noticed and gain power by way of exploiting our own bodies to receive attention and desirability from others, which is far away from the soul quality of self-respect and pride.

We must not forget that every single part of our bodies, especially our private parts, are extremely sacred to us and we should not allow anyone to persuade or influence us to share our bodies with the general public, not even for the reason of fame, money or career advancement. This is because the physical body belongs to us and it is priceless and no one else should be the director of it except ourselves. In the meantime, we should have enough self-esteem and self-worth to feel content and comfortable with our own bodies and should not have the need to show them to the general public in a sexy manner to gain acceptance. We should share this private possession only with our significant others because they are very special to us.

People who like to exploit others’ physical bodies to make a living, such as hiring all female waitresses in restaurants and bars, produce bikini and beauty contests, establishing topless bars and strip clubs, producing nudity and partial nudity magazines and videos, setting up nude photos on the Internet or providing prostitution and call girl services, should not be condoned or supported by any means. We must understand that anything focusing on the ego perspective of physical pleasure is only taking us away from the need for personal growth and not toward it.

Each person's physical body is a representation of his/her soul and each body part is the extension of his/her soul in expression.

Exceprt from: Sex and Aggression and True Leaders Part III, Professional and Social Guide

Copy Right 2007, ISBN: 1-4208-6971-X(sc), Library of Congress Control Number: 2005906194
No part of the book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

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