When we live in the moment, we are no longer focusing on the past or the future. It is the now that is of concern. Every single minute of our experience is as fascinating and pristine as the enchanting sunrise where not a single moment that passes is the same. Every sound heard, every scent smelled, every object seen, every food tasted, every texture felt, and every energy sensed all constitute a very unique encounter which we experience at that perfect and harmonious moment.“Perfect” because the event happens at that precise moment, and “harmonious” because it is destined to happen in that exact fashion. This allows our minds to rest at ease and sit back to watch the wonders happen in front of our eyes as each moment takes us to a new experience in life. As compelling as our minds are in drawing us to worries, frustrations, and wandering thoughts about the past, present or future events, we must make an extra effort to put those nuisances aside.
They are considered nuisances for the very reason that they are like the dust on our lenses. Our thinking minds are like a sheet of filter paper and our rational minds are interpreting the event for us in understandable terms. If the conscious mind (self-state), is not clear as it sits between the experience (event) and the experiencer (ego-state & soul-state), we are not able to experience the events the way they really are due to the residue that is left on the filter. This is like the filter of an air conditioner, filled with dirt or dust, which prevents the cool air from getting through, becoming very stale air to the experiencer. If we allow our thoughts to be constantly filled with worries, frustrations, and wandering thoughts, we will not be able to experience the full scope of the situation and the environment we are in.
Thoughts come and go -- they may last for a second or a few seconds. As human beings, we encounter approximately 60,000 thoughts per day. Our inner thoughts are important, but thoughts have their own appropriate times and places, too. As new ideas and worries surface in our minds, we are more than welcome to give attention to those thoughts for a certain period of time as long as we do not jeopardize the current experience and its special meaning to us. However, if we constantly attach to those worries, frustrations, and/or wandering thoughts, we will never be able to experience the moment fully as it presents itself to us. Even when we think about our past and feel something from our memory of the past, we still are not able to experience every single detail of that particular event totally. This is because the memory we have stored in our minds about the event is strictly based on selective memory in both good and bad times. When it comes to our future expectations and predictions, we tend to either over- or under-estimate the outcome for the most part. Therefore, it is not ideal to do it justice by becoming a slave of the future.
If we constantly live in the dreams of the future, and the possible outcomes and problems we may face in the future, we will be living in an illusionary world and straying away from the present moment of what is truly real.To have dreams to inspire us to make our future brighter is considered productive, but to solely live in the dreams of the future and not appreciate the present moment can be very unproductive. Therefore, only the present moment that we experience consciously is considered the actual experience of the event we encounter with purity and originality and all of us who share the experience together are able to arrive at a much closer interpretation with each other.The past and the future are illusionary; only the present moment is real.(7:2-2)
Excerpt from: True Leaders Part I, Personal Guide
Copy Right 2007, ISBN: 1-4208-6971-X(sc), Library of Congress Control Number: 2005906194
No part of the book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
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