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Monday, April 20, 2009

Men and Women Are Equally Visual -- Dating Relationship

The way a man views a woman, unfortunately, has mainly focused on her physical aspect instead of her “core being.” The idea that men tend to be more visual then women is absolutely not correct. In fact, all human beings have been given the same potentials, similar in both men and women, and both men and women are visual beings. The only difference in their visualization lies in the Focus. A woman’s natural focus is on the centeredness of things, therefore her observational quality tends to aim at the center of any type of relationship, project or activity she is involved in. This means she focuses on the human relations which is always the center, or core, of everything as well as being a more organized and detailed-oriented individual as a way to manage everything in a consolidated manner. In a family and love relationship setting, a woman tends to focus visually more on the family dynamics and personal relations among family members.

On the other hand, a man’s focus is at the periphery of things just like a voyager, therefore his observational quality tends to aim at his surroundings. This quality motivates him to pay attention to new innovations such as ideas, product and services, business investments, and career opportunities as well as any events, activities or people that strike his attention. This also includes any woman who captures his attention in his immediate surroundings. In this sense, men have been interpreted to be more visual than women, but in reality, men and women are equally visual beings, the only difference is, again, the targets of their focus which are shaped falsely, mainly by the media. This is where men need to learn the true purpose of their observational qualities.

The true purpose of men’s observational qualities is not to be used on the superficial level, but on a more meaningful level like a voyager finding better ways to get to the gold mine, in this case – core being of a woman.
As a man of the twenty-first century in the dating scene, he can use his voyager personality to find better ways to get to know a woman on a personal level, a better way to communicate with her intimately, and a better lover to her the way she would feel special. In order to restrain a man’s vulnerability to the attractiveness of a woman’s physical body, he has to be determined enough to train himself to become fascinated and intrigued with a woman’s mind such as her ideas, opinions, perspectives, and philosophy in life as well as her competency, talents, and knowledge/intellect. Pay a special attention to how well she teaches her class, how well she manages her company, how well she communicates or how well she sings or paint. All of these qualities that represent a woman’s core being should always be the primary focus in a man’s perspective in viewing a woman especially during his conversation with other men.

The fascination of wanting to know a woman’s inner-self through the qualities of her core being can be an exciting exploration for any man who wants to take on the challenge – and it must come from within. It must be reinforced by him, since it is the depth of a woman that matters to him and not the surface of a woman’s appearance. A woman’s physical body, regardless of how gorgeous, attractive or sexy it might be, should only be viewed as an auxiliary part to her core being and her personality, values, intellect, talents, and wisdom are what inspire and attract a man’s heart and mind to her.

Excerpt from: Sex and Aggression: Media's Toxic Contamination and True Leaders Part III, Professional and Social Guide

Copy Right 2007, ISBN: 1-4208-6971-X(sc), Library of Congress Control Number: 2005906194
No part of the book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

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